We know Thunderbolts were flown out of MH and very successfully too, if anyone can supply dates, squadrons or memories then please feel free to place them here
The best known to me is "Jersey Jerk" the ride of Donald Strait who used the same name for his P51 Mustang. Don was the co of the 361st sq and the highest scoring Ace in the 356th Fighter Group, with 13 1/2 kills He finished as a Major General and still visits us here at MH
I believe he is about 80 years old.
-- Edited by tarkey on Thursday 17th of September 2009 08:05:49 PM
I was told by an ex RAf Thunderbolt pilot that if needed they could get a sudden sput of energy similar to the KERS system in F1 by injecting water into the engine. In an emergency this could get them out of trouble. It did however do the engine any good and was not to be used willy nilly
This may have been based on Water Methanol Tarkey as the Griffon engines on Shackletons had this facility but that was on an inline engine and not a radial as the P47