Welcome to the Royal Air Force Martlesham Heath Forum, here you will be able to find friends, post your thoughts and memories about your time at Martlesham either as an experimental station or at war or peace.
I myself live at nearby Kesgrave and am positioned just one mile from the current Air Traffic Control Tower Museum which is part of the Martlesham Heath Aviation Society [MHAS].
I hope to develop this forum along the lines of other forums that I administer.
There is no charge to be a member but to prevent SPAMMERS and other undesirables registration is a must, I hope that this will be a self moderating forum.
I have no connection with MHAS but I do know many of the MHAS members, I enjoy their company, and I thought it would be nice to work a forum alongside their own MHAS site here  http://mhas.org.uk/
I regularly visit The Tower and its associated area, I will expand on the forum as demand dictates, do come and enjoy this site and meet other aviation enthusiasts to keep those memories alive