I'm a bit tardy, as usual.  I was in Air Traffic Control (Ops Clerk) from 1952 to 1954. Worked with Fl/Lt John Cooper, Sgts Pete Cameron and Peter Hayward, Cpl Tony Bennett, Sharp, John Wagstaff, Joe Overy, Chandler, Cargill.  Downstairs in the Signals Section were Cpl Godfrey, Olwen Exelby, Ian Baird, Stuart, Stan King. Our colleagues in the DF (homer) included Cpl Japp, Dennis Jacklin, Brian Green and David Gill.  Have enjoyed visits to MH Open Days since 2002.  Many thanks to MHAS for the sterling work they put in.
I thought I had posted these pics before of LF363 which I took at Martlesham Heath in September 1960 when the BBMF [just a Spit & Hurri in those days] were based there. LF363 is still with the BBMF but she did have a prang at Wittering many moons ago but was rebuilt [URL=http://rides.webshots.com/photo/2629973330035970728TsmApi]
1956 St Eval: ATC Flight in Anson VM334 from RAF St Eval to Haverford West and return to St Eval, 2 hours flying time flew in the co-pilots seat and had the controls for 10 minutes
1968 Wattisham: 2 x 56 Squadron Lightnings off to Akrotiri https://www.airphotographicinternational.com/products/vm334-avro-anson-c-19-raf-martlesham-heath-1960