John McC with Olwen Exelby (sitting) and Ian Baird (standing) looking across the airfield from outside our barrack block. The other two were from Signals Section, downstairs in the Tower. September 1953.
I visit MH regularly [like today] if there is anyone who wishes a photograph of any building to have photographed please do not hesitate to ask, there are not too many left.......... I have covered most of these now and have just about exhausted my own supplies so if anyone has any from whatever period please do share them with others.
John, Arrived during the Christmas break 1953 so left my kit and went home until the next day.
Fell off my motorcyle coming back from the pub on New Years night, stretched a few bits in my shoulder.
Worked on Meteors on Rapid landing, Hangar floor still had runways when it had been used for stabling horses.
After a spell in Ely and Cullotan Cross I returned to "B Flight!, however I was trying to escape via an Exchange Posting to Henlow, I was virutally clear when the powers found out who was coming back, he was already at home in Ipswich, the outcome was all change so I asked to be posted and to my relief I escaped around August 1955.
Crown Point Fish and Chip shop was rebuilt courtesey of the RAF on several occasions and a USAF fighter dropped in at the Caravan sales just down the A12.
Some years ago we went on a trip down Memory name, the Square is now a Car Park and my barrack Block is still standing.
One outstanding memory is doing the daily walk accross the airfield looking for Mixomotosis rabbits and burying them.
When Marlesham closed several of my former colleagues joined me at Henlow. Edwin