1> At the Southern end of the N/S runway is a derelict brick shed in a field almost opposite the entrance to Foxhall Rubbish Tip, what was its use, anyone?
2> On the Kesgrave side of the road at Dobbs Lane there is a large mound, I was informed that this may have been the bomb dump, any takers?
3> Going back to Foxhall Tip there is a huge 'field' to its right looking South which on Google Earth shows patterns. I have walked around the permissive SCDC footpaths it is wired off [fence] it has an Anglian Water notice in the grounds.
From space there are diagonal lines running almost like inverted chevrons, was this anything to do with MH if not what on earth has AW got this site for, there was talk in the 1960s that AW wanted to build a desalinisation plant at Kirton Creek to accomodate the expansion for nearby Ipswich, was this part of it. AW was also [at one point] going to extract water from Newbourne Springs maybe this was a reservoir
I would be interested in any comments anyone has on the above three queries
Upon doing some research on Listed Buildings in the area I am somewhat surprised that not one building on the old airfield site has been Graded I, II* or II, from a purely histotic aviation value surely some of these should be preserved, or are they and not listed.
I seem to recall either BT or Barclays wanting to demolish The Barrack Blocks on the Square and permission was refused, can anyone else vouch for this story, I find it quite astonishing that nothing is listed